Please visit the sections below to find out about services you can self refer to.
Carers Support
Local Carers FIRST- Adult Carers Service Bereavement Advice Centre is a free helpline and web-based information service provided by Co-op Legal Services. They provide practical information and advice and signposting on...
Drugs and Alcohol
Local Community needle exchange You can go to any of the pharmacies in Newham list on the website to get, clean needles, return used needles, discuss, referral into treatment, access...
Employment / Welfare / Benefits Advice
Local Advice and Benefits Information and advice on benefit in Newham. Local Community Links
Family Support Services
Local Family Contact Centre The Family Contact Centre (FCC) provides a seven day contact service for children and families in a safe, comfortable environment. The centre has ten rooms, with...
Fear to fly
We appreciate a fear of flying is very real and very frightening and can be debilitating. However, there are much better and effective ways of tackling the problem. We recommend...
Hay Fever
Hay Fever Advice There has been a change in guidelines across the country. The NHS is asking patients to buy hay fever medication directly from the pharmacy. Tablets, eye drops...
Mental Health
Local Mind Tower Hamlets and Newham Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham (MITHN) has provides support to people with mental health needs, living in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets...
Newham Cost of Living Crisis Response
The Cost of Living One Stop Shop at East Ham Library . Sessions will take place every Tuesday from 10am – 2pm.
Older People Support
Local Adult Safeguarding If you see, hear or suspect that a vulnerable adult is being abused contact the council adult safeguarding team. 020 33730440
Screening Services (Breast/ Bowel/ Cervical)
Local Central & East London Breast Screening Provides a free breast screening service for women in Camden, Hackney and the City, Islington, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest (East and...
Self care
Self care advice You can get self care advice online now Further information Did you know that 10 of the most minor ailments seen by GPs can also be treated...
Sexual health clinic
Local All East- Sexual Health Advice and Support Provide free and confidential sexual health services at centres across east London, providing everything from sexual health screenings (including HIV testing)...
Local Get help to quit smoking Information on local stop smoking pharmacy services which provide free support and advice to all smokers living in Newham. It has already helped many...
Weight Management/ Diet and Exercise Services
Local ActiveNewham ActiveNewham brings everything under one roof with a mixture of services and facilities with Newham which can support you with diet and exercise. health-wellbeing
Who should I see?
We try to keep our GP appointments for patients with more serious health problems. Before you book an appointment to see a doctor please consider whether an appointment with a...
Women’s Health/Antenatal/Termination Service
Self Referral Form Newham Hospital – Antenatal self-referral form Self referral form for antenatal care. 020 8090 9999
Youth Services
Local Youth Support- Newham Information on youth support services available in Newham. Youth Activities
Date published: 23rd January, 2023
Date last updated: 23rd January, 2023